The Critical Facilities Flood Exposure Tool provides an initial assessment of a community’s critical facilities and roads that lie within the 1% annual chance flood zone established by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). The tool helps coastal managers quickly learn which facilities may be at risk—providing information that can be used to increase flood risk awareness or to inform a more detailed analysis.

The intent of this tool is to provide an initial assessment of a community's critical facilities and road miles within the FEMA 1% annual chance flood zone. This tool was initially created to assist the Mississippi/Alabama Sea Grant in conducting their "Coastal Resiliency Index: A Community Self-Assessment" workshops and has been expanded based on available flood data.

  • Overlays critical facilities in a county or municipality with FEMA’s 1% annual chance flood zone
  • Provides a report of critical facilities and the number of road miles in the flood zone
Data Sources
  • Flood Zones - Based on FEMA 1% annual flood zones -
  • Critical Facilities - 2000-2001 FEMA HAZUS-MH data -
  • Roads - Based on 2005 ESRI/TeleAtlas streets data
  • In some cases a community's list of critical facilities may not be exhaustive or locations may be incorrect. The data used are from FEMA's HAZUS-MH database and may be out-of-date, in the wrong location, or not correctly attributed. It is recommended that local, up-to-date data be used for official planning activites.
  • This tool and its associated data is meant to be an initial assessment and is not intended to be used for or in place of local planning data.
  • The flood zones used in this tool are currently not available for Alaska, Puerto Rico, USVI, or the Pacific Territories, therefore these regions do not appear in the Choose a State drop-down menu.

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