The USGS Core Science Clearinghouse contains metadata records describing datasets largely focused on wildlife biology, ecology, environmental science, temperature, geospatial data layers documenting land cover and stewardship (ownership and management), and more. The clearinghouse provides visualizations of the data to illustrate where data are collected, and the types of data contained in the system.


To visit the USGS Core Science Clearinghouse use the following link:

The USGS Core Science Clearinghouse is an aggregator of metadata records, meaning that many different organizations provide records to be searched in one place. USGS Core Science Clearinghouse Partners maintain control of their metadata records, and provide access to them. The clearinghouse uses a weekly harvesting process, replacing records copied the week previous from each partner.


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Our most recent data added relates to all the interesting Ocean planning going on in Oregon. You can view an RSS feed of that data here.

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