The High Frequency Radar Network (HFRNet) is being developed to manage, distribute, and display in near-realtime, ocean surface currents measured by a distributed network of shore-based HF radar systems. HFRNet provides reliable data telemetry, archiving, and integrated processing for a growing list of near real-time products in a scaleable manner for a growing user community supported by the Integrated Ocean Observing System.

Click here to go to the HF Radar Network:

The HF Radar Network is a project of the Coastal Observing Research and Development Center.  The Center focuses on the development of new technologies and their application for basic and applied sciences. The Center serves as an interface between research and technology.  Example collaborators include city, state, federal, and private agencies including the City of Imperial Beach, City of San Diego, City of Los Angeles, State Coastal Conservancy, the State Regional Water Quality Control Board, Office of Spill Prevention and Response, National Oceans and Atmospheric Administration, Office of Naval Research, NAVSEA Carderock, SPAWAR, USN METOC, the National Science Foundation, British Petroleum, and the International Seakeepers Organization. The Center also works with industry providers to develop, improve, and evaluate new sensors.

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