Yaquina Bay Tsunami Innundation Areas, DOGAMI, 2004
Identification Information
Section Index
Citation Information:
Originator: George R. Priest, Geologist, Coastal Program, Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries (DOGAMI)
Publication Date: 12/31/2004
Publication Time: Unknown
Title: Yaquina Bay Tsunami Innundation Areas, DOGAMI, 2004
Edition: Version 1.0
Geospatial Data Presentation Form: vector
Series Information:
Series Name: none
Issue Identification: none
Publication Information:
Publication Place: Portland, Oregon
Publisher: Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries
Online Linkage: www.naturenw.org
The spatial digital file presents the results of modeling the potential tsunami flooding from Cascadia subduction zone earthquakes for Yaquina Bay, along Oregon's coast. Numerical modeling simulated tsunami flooding from three different sized earthquakes on the Cascadia subduction zone fault system that lies off the Oregon, Washington and northern California coast. Regional seafloor deformation, inland extent of flooding, timing of wave arrivals, and current velocities were estimated for least, medium, and worst-case earthquakes.
The purpose of the spatial digital file is to delineate hazard zones for tsunami flooding in Yaquina Bay. The mapped boundaries may be viewed as guides for evacuation planning in the event of an earthquake and tsunami.
Supplemental Information:
INUNDATION vs EVACUATION: The inundation lines (boundaries) are scientific products aimed at showing ""best available science"" estimates of flooding potential and uncertainties in these estimates. Evacuation lines may or may not correspond to inundation lines where both are present. Evacuation lines are established in partnership with local government and may add conservatism to inundation boundaries, based on the needs of local emergency planners. Inundation polygons in some cases cover much larger areas than the evacuation areas, going outside of UGB's that generally bound evacuation areas. Both are useful products but are also distinct.
See Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries (DOGAMI) Open-File Report O-97-34 (Priest and others, 1997) for a detailed explanation of the mapping techniques (to order this publication and others go to world wide web site http://www.oregongeology.com/default.htm ).
Time Period of Content:
Time Period Information:
Single Date/Time:
Calendar Date: Unknown
Time of Day: Unknown
Currentness Reference: publication date
Progress: Complete
Maintenance and Update Frequency: None planned
Spatial Domain:
Bounding Coordinates:
West Bounding Coordinate: -124.574
East Bounding Coordinate: -123.515
North Bounding Coordinate: 44.6217
South Bounding Coordinate: 44.3512
Theme Keyword Thesaurus: None
Theme Keyword: Geologic hazard
Theme Keyword: Tsunami
Theme Keyword: Flooding
Place Keyword Thesaurus: None
Place Keyword: Oregon
Place Keyword: Yaquina Bay
Access Constraints:
This spatial data file is a deliverable to Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development. Eventually, this spatial data file will be incorporated into the Oregon Coastal Atlas, a collaboration of the Oregon Ocean-Coastal Management Program, Oregon State University and Ecotrust. Dogami does not intend to publish the spatial data files as a new agency publication, nor provide a plot-on-demand paper display of the spatial data files.
Use Constraints:
The spatial digital files can be used to create maps depicting various tsunami hazard zones. Bear in mind that the tsunami hazard zones are based on numerical simulations and subject to interpretation. Any tsunami hazard map created from the spatial data files or derivatives thereof is not a substitute for site-specific investigations by qualified practitioners. It may be used as a general guide for emergency response planning. The user is responsible for the appropriate use of this data.
To avoid the risk of misinterpretation, invalid results, and erroneous conclusions, the users must consider the original map scale, collection methodology, currency of data, and any other conditions specific to every data element and each dataset as a whole. Potential users are advised to consult with DOGMAI to gain an understanding of the inherent limitations of this data set and its scope of inference. Also, the user must be aware that errors and conditions originating from physical sources involved in developing a dataset may be reflected in the data, and that the digital processing performed during preparation, storage, and transmission of the dataset may have exacerbated such errors and/or introduced additional ones.
These data are subject to change. Acknowledgment of the DOGAMI would be appreciated in products derived from these data. DOGAMI is providing this data because the subject matter is consistent with the mission of the Department.
Point of Contact:
Contact Information:
Contact Person Primary:
Contact Person: George Priest
Contact Organization: Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries (DOGAMI)
Contact Position: Geologist
Contact Address:
Address Type: mailing and physical address
Address: 313 SW 2nd, Suite D (P.O. Box 1033)
City: Newport
State or Province: Oregon
Postal Code: 97365
Country: USA
Contact Voice Telephone: 541/574-6642
Contact Facsimile Telephone: 541/265-5341
Contact Electronic Mail Address: george.priest@state.or.us
Hours of Service: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Browse Graphic:
Browse Graphic File Name: http:\www.naturenw.org
Browse Graphic File Description: Order information for publications
Data Set Credit:
Funding Source: Funds for the project were from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) under the auspices of the National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program (http://www.pmel.noaa.gov/tsunami-hazard/ ).
IMS-2, Tsunami hazard map of Yaquina Bay area, Lincoln Co., OR, by G. Priest, E. Myers, A. Baptista, R. Kamphaus, C. Peterson, & M. Darienzo, 1997, 1:12,000
Security Information:
Security Classification System: None
Security Classification: Unclassified
Security Handling Description: None
Native Data Set Environment: MapInfo GIS .tab format, MapInfo Corp., Troy, NY. Note: ESRI .shp format files are projected.
Cross Reference:
Citation Information:
Originator: George R. Priest, Geologist, Coastal Program, Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries (DOGAMI)
Publication Date: 12/31/2004
Publication Time: Unknown
Title: Yaquina Bay
Edition: Version 1.0
Geospatial Data Presentation Form: vector
Series Information:
Series Name: none
Issue Identification: none
Publication Information:
Publication Place: Portland, Oregon
Publisher: Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries
Online Linkage: www.naturenw.org
Data Quality Information
Section Index
Attribute Accuracy:
Attribute Accuracy Report: Accuracy of area and length attributes is unknown. No report accompanies the spatial data files.
Logical Consistency Report:
Spatial data is presented in the form of polygons delineating potential tsunami inundation boundaries for Yaquina Bay. Areas not in hazard zones are not accounted for spatially. This dataset does not have topology. However, polygons were checked for misalignment errors such as slivers, overlaps, bow ties, splits, and missing nodes. Where they are found, the errors were corrected. This data is not field-checked and is an interpretation of the original model. No guarantees are provided as to its accuracy.
Completeness Report:
This data set was developed to delineate the inundation boundaries for Yaquina Bay. Not all communities along Oregon's coast are delineated with inundation boundaries. All geospatial database elements are attributed.
Positional Accuracy:
Horizontal Positional Accuracy:
Horizontal Positional Accuracy Report:
Mapping of inundation boundaries was adjusted to best available local topography, which varied from area to area but was never more accurate than plus or minus 1 foot vertical and generally is no better than plus or minus 5 ft vertical; horizontal accuracy was generally no better than plus or minus 20 feet. Overall, the data cannot be more accurate than the model from which it was developed. Positional accuracy of inundation boundaries vary based on the techniques and quality of modelling. Still the horizontal accuracy of the coverage should be regarded as unknown.
Vertical Positional Accuracy:
Vertical Positional Accuracy Report: None
Source Information:
Source Citation:
Citation Information:
Originator: George R. Priest, Geologist, Coastal Program, Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries (DOGAMI)
Publication Date: 12/31/2004
Publication Time: Unknown
Title: Yaquina Bay
Edition: Version 1.0
Geospatial Data Presentation Form: vector
Series Information:
Series Name: none
Issue Identification: none
Publication Information:
Publication Place: Portland, Oregon
Publisher: Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries
Online Linkage: www.naturenw.org
Source Scale Denominator: 12000
Type of Source Media: CD-ROM
Source Time Period of Content:
Time Period Information:
Range of Dates/Times:
Beginning Date: 1997
Beginning Time: Unknown
Ending Date: Present
Ending Time: Unknown
Source Currentness Reference: publication date
Source Citation Abbreviation: Yaquina Bay
Process Step:
Process Description:
PROCESS FOR INUNDATION MAPS: Inundation areas were produced from three scenario Cascadia subduction zone earthquake sources (least-, middle- and worst-cases) using standard tsunami simulation software to estimate potential inland inundation. See IMS-23 for general description of mapping technique and the references below.
The simulation techniques are also discussed by Myers and others (1999) and Priest and others (2000). These last two references can be downloaded at: <http://www.ccalmr.ogi.edu/STH/online/volume17/number1/mbp/> and <http://epubs.lanl.gov/tsunami/ts182.pdf>.
Allan, J.C. and Komar, P.D., 2000, Are ocean wave heights increasing in the eastern North Pacific?, EOS, American Geophysical Union, v. 81, no. 47, p. 561-567.
Flick, R.E., Murray, J.F., and Ewing, L.C., 1999, Trends in U.S. tidal datum statistics and tide range: A data report atlas, Scripps Institution of Oceanography series No. 99-20.
Komar, P.D., McDougall, W.G., Marra, J.J., and Ruggiero, P., 1999, The rational analysis of setback distances: Applications to the Oregon coast. Shore & Beach, v. 67, 41-49.
Myers, E., Baptista, A.M., and Priest, G.R., 1999, Finite element modeling of potential Cascadia subduction zone tsunamis: Science of Tsunami Hazards, v. 17, p. 3-18.
Priest, G.R., Myers, E., Baptista, A., Fleuck, P., Wang, K., and Peterson, C.D., 2000, Source simulation for tsunamis: lessons learned from fault rupture modeling of the Cascadia subduction zone, North America: Science of Tsunami Hazards, v. 18, no. 2, p. 77-106.
Priest, G.R., Myers, E., Baptista, A., Kamphaus R.A., Peterson, C.D., 1997, Cascadia subduction zone tsunamis: hazard mapping at Yaquina Bay, Oregon: Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries, Open-File Report O-97-34, 144 p.
Process Date: 12/31/2004
Process Contact:
Contact Information:
Contact Person Primary:
Contact Person: George Priest
Contact Organization: Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries (DOGAMI)
Contact Position: Geologist
Contact Address:
Address Type: mailing and physical address
Address: 313 SW 2nd, Suite D (P.O. Box 1033)
City: Newport
State or Province: Oregon
Postal Code: 97365
Country: USA
Contact Voice Telephone: 541/574-6642
Contact Facsimile Telephone: 541/265-5341
Contact Electronic Mail Address: george.priest@state.or.us
Hours of Service: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Cloud Cover: Unknown
Spatial Data Organization Information
Section Index
Indirect Spatial Reference: Oregon Coast
Direct Spatial Reference Method: Vector
Spatial Reference Information
Section Index
Horizontal Coordinate System Definition:
Map Projection:
Map Projection Name: Lambert Conformal Conic
Lambert Conformal Conic:
Standard Parallel: 43
Standard Parallel: 45.5
Longitude of Central Meridian: 41.75
Latitude of Projection Origin: -120.5
False Easting: 400000
False Northing: 0
Planar Coordinate Information:
Planar Coordinate Encoding Method: Coordinate Pair
Coordinate Representation:
Abscissa Resolution: 0.001
Ordinate Resolution: 0.001
Planar Distance Units: international feet
Geodetic Model:
Horizontal Datum Name: North American Datum of 1983
Ellipsoid Name: Geodetic Reference System 80
Semi-major Axis: 6378137
Denominator of Flattening Ratio: 298.257
Vertical Coordinate System Definition:
Altitude System Definition:
Altitude Datum Name: North American Vertical Datum of 1988
Altitude Distance Units: feet
Entity and Attribute Information
Section Index
Detailed Description:
Entity Type:
Entity Type Label: Yaquina_Bay
Entity Type Definition: Polygon feature and attribute table
Entity Type Definition Source: Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries
Attribute Label: Location
Attribute Definition: Location along the Oregon Coast
Attribute Definition Source: Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries
Attribute Label: Reference_id
Attribute Definition: Publication ""Series"" designation
Attribute Definition Source: Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries
Attribute Domain Values:
Unrepresentable Domain: IMS-2
Attribute Label: Source
Attribute Definition: Reference for DOGAMI publication
Attribute Definition Source: Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries
Attribute Domain Values:
Unrepresentable Domain: Tsunami hazard map of Yaquina Bay area, Lincoln Co., OR, by G. Priest, E. Myers, A. Baptista, R. Kamphaus, C. Peterson, & M. Darienzo, 1997, 1:12,000
Attribute Label: State
Attribute Definition: State name
Attribute Definition Source: Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries
Attribute Domain Values:
Unrepresentable Domain: Oregon
Attribute Label: Zone
Attribute Definition: Scenario earthquakes on the Cascadia subduction zone fault
Attribute Definition Source: Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries
Attribute Domain Values:
Enumerated Domain:
Enumerated Domain Value: Moderate
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Moderate flooding hazard from Cascadia subduction zone tsunamis from ~M 9 earthquakes on the offshore subduction zone fault system
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries
Enumerated Domain Value: High
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: High flooding hazard from Cascadia subduction zone tsunamis from ~M 9 earthquakes on the offshore subduction zone fault system
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries
Enumerated Domain Value: Extreme
Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Extreme flooding hazard from Cascadia subduction zone tsunamis from ~M 8.5 earthquakes on the offshore subduction zone fault system
Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries
Overview Description:
Entity and Attribute Overview:
Three tsunami hazard zones are depicted as individual polygons. The following attributes describe each polygon: Zone (hazard zone), Location (location along Oregon's Coast), State (U.S. State), Reference_id (DOGAMI's publication series identifier), and Source (publication reference)
Entity and Attribute Detail Citation:
Yaquina_Bay. For detailed attribute information contact the Department of Geology and Mineral Industries and obtain: IMS-2, Tsunami hazard map of Yaquina Bay area, Lincoln Co., OR, by G. Priest, E. Myers, A. Baptista, R. Kamphaus, C. Peterson, & M. Darienzo, 1997, 1:12,000.
Distribution Information
Section Index
Contact Information:
Contact Person Primary:
Contact Person: Paul Staub
Contact Organization: Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries
Contact Position: Spatial data specialist
Contact Voice Telephone: 503 731-4100 x224
Contact Facsimile Telephone: 503 731-4066
Contact Electronic Mail Address: Paul.Staub@dogami.state.or.us
Distribution Liability:
No warranty, expressed or implied is made regarding the accuracy or utility of the data described and/or contained herein, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty. This disclaimer applies both to individual use of the data and aggregate use with other data. It is strongly recommended that careful attention be paid to the contents of the metadata file associated with these data. The Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries shall not be held liable for improper or incorrect use of these data.
This information may be updated without notification.
Standard Order Process:
Non-digital Form: none
Fees: none
Ordering Instructions: none
Standard Order Process:
Digital Form:
Digital Transfer Information:
Format Name: .tab
Format Version Number: MapInfo 7.0
Format Specification: Files for MapInfo. Also, ESRI shapefiles for version 3.x are provided
Format Information Content: PLEASE NOTE: conversion to shapefile format changes some characters ( # - .) to underscores; item names over 10 characters are truncated.
File Decompression Technique: None
Fees: none
Ordering Instructions: none
Custom Order Process: none
Available Time Period:
Time Period Information:
Single Date/Time:
Calendar Date: Unknown
Time of Day: Unknown
Metadata Reference Information
Section Index
Metadata Date: 12/31/2004
Metadata Review Date:
Metadata Future Review Date:
Metadata Contact:
Contact Information:
Contact Person Primary:
Contact Person: Clark Niewendorp
Contact Organization: Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries
Contact Position: Cartographer III
Contact Address:
Address Type: mailing and physical address
Address: 800 NE Oregon Street #5, Suite 965
City: Portland
State or Province: Oregon
Postal Code: 97232
Country: USA
Contact Voice Telephone: 503/731-4100 x219
Contact Facsimile Telephone: 503/731-4066
Contact Electronic Mail Address: clark.niewendorp@state.or.us
Hours of Service: 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday
Metadata Standard Name: FGDC Content Standards for Digital Geospatial Metadata
Metadata Standard Version: 2
Metadata Time Convention: local time
Metadata Access Constraints: None
Metadata Use Constraints: None
Metadata Security Information:
Metadata Security Classification: Unclassified
Metadata Security Handling Description: None
SMMS Metadata report generated 1/6/2005